Big Machine Spikes it big at Nashville’s Vollis Volleyball Tournament

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This past month, we had the honor of being the title sponsors at the Vollis Hold A Beverage tournament. During this tournament, we were able to introduce our Big Machine Vodka Spiked Coolers to many new faces, while also being able to enjoy a game of beach volleyball.

Vollis is a professional beach volleyball league dedicated to training athletes at all levels in both indoor and beach volleyball. Located in Hermitage, Tennessee, this tournament required players to be always holding a drink, forcing them to play volleyball with just one hand. While I’m sure we can all imagine how challenging this would be trying to Spike the ball and not getting sand in your drink, Spiked Coolers has you covered. Our pouch design makes it near impossible for sand to sneak its way in… bringing smiles to all the players and making it an enjoyable game day for everyone! We had a great turnout and are happy to have been a part of this fun event in our community. We will be Spiking up the energy and many more tournaments with Vollis and other partners!

Mikaela Thompson