Holiday Romkulgers with Big Machine Southern Spiced Rum. Yum!


Let Big Machine Southern Spiced Romkuglers rule this holiday season! Just what is a Romkugler? Think cake pop… but for grownups! For the history buff, these boozy rich cake balls are a Danish-originated favorite made rich and preservable to last past the end of the day in bakeries. These chocolate, golf ball-sized goodies are a quick and easy no-bake recipe that will leave your guests (and you) wanting (and eating!) more. It’s OK, it’s not January 1st yet. You can start your diet after you’ve finished these rum delights. You can also wrap them up for the perfect festive adult gift. Eat or give, you can’t go wrong either way!

Instead of making that last-minute trip to a traditional bakery in Copenhagen, just grab a bottle of Big Machine Southern Spiced Rum and turn your own kitchen into your own Danish sweets shop! The simple recipe calls for 7 ingredients that you should have already lying around the house: powdered sugar, cocoa powder, corn syrup, vanilla extract, pecans, vanilla wafers, and of course, Big Machine Southern Spiced Rum. (You can also substitute the rum with Big Machine’s Clayton James Tennessee Whiskey!)

Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. After all the ingredients have come together, scoop and start forming 1in balls (you can make them bigger if you’d like - size doesn’t matter!). A little helpful hint - a cookie batter scooper will be the easiest way to scoop the mix. After forming your ball, roll it in powdered sugar, cocoa, or sprinkles. This is your time to shine! Make sure to store the rum balls in an airtight container to guarantee freshness. Then enjoy!

Be sure to try this recipe out and show us your results on Instagram! Tag @bigmachine_distillery so we can check out your Big Machine Southern Spiced Rum Romkuglers!

Mikaela Thompson