Hand Sanitizer is Here!

With the outbreak of COVID-19, it’s no secret that the world is looking different these days. Major sports leagues including the NBA, the NHL, Nascar and Indycar suspended their seasons, music festivals like Stagecoach and Bonnaroo have been postponed, and countless other events were cancelled altogether. Officials have closed schools for weeks to come, many employees are now working from home, and restaurants have shifted to offering only pickup and delivery. Many stores ran out of the necessities like hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes as people scrambled to stock up.  It’s all very unsettling – to say the least.

Here at Big Machine Vodka, we’ve been thinking about how we can help during this time of uncertainty.  While we take great pride in creating an excellent customer experience at our three Tennessee distilleries, we’ve made adjustments such as temporarily closing our distillery in downtown Nashville to protect customers.  Additionally, while we’re usually consumed with producing our vodka and other spirits, we’ve turned our attention to a new product: hand sanitizer. While we don’t recommend you try to make this yourself at home, we’re excited to announce that our distillers have developed a Big Machine Vodka branded hand sanitizer.  

In order to ensure compliance with industry standards, Big Machine Hand Sanitizer utilizes the World Health Organization’s approved formula. We will have a complimentary size as well as options for purchase at our Big Machine Tavern & Distillery located in the Berry Hill area of Nashville and other locations coming in the near future. Make sure to follow us on our website as well as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for updates regarding locations where you can buy.

Our company has always valued and appreciated our customers. Even with adjustments to our distilleries and the cancellation of events that we sponsor, we remain passionate about serving the public in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to stay in and stay safe. We look forward to continually serving you!

Big Machine Vodka